What is Kid's Club?

Kids (5+ yr.) enjoy worship and the sermon together with their parents, afterwards they meet with Club leaders to talk about the sermon;  what they learned, what they thought about the sermon and talk about any questions they might have! We also plan activities outside of church time for parents and their kids to get together in community.

Why Kid's Club?

Parents can be the most influential model in a child's faith development. By allowing children to stay in service with their parents they are able to learn more about participating in worship and listening to sermons. 60-80% of children brought up in the church walk away from their faith by the time they reach college age. It is important for children to know they are a valued part of the church from the beginning. By age 5 children are accustomed to sitting for the same length of time as a church service, since they are in school.  Graphic organizers and coloring sheets are provided during the service to help kids focus on the different aspects of the sermon. 

We are not expecting perfectly still and quiet children! Our goal is to help children feel like a valued part of the church from the beginning.  Rustling papers and sweet whispers are a part of living life together.


Come let your little ones (ages 0-5 yr olds) learn and play while you enjoy this week's sermon.  Our nursery is equipped with toys, books and art materials for your little ones to create with! 

**All of our volunteers that work with children are background checked